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Non-profit organization Social Services House MOST provides generally beneficial services to people with personality disorders and to their families. It helps its clients to integrate repeatedly into the society.

The organization provides cross-country social consulting, it operated the assisted living and psychological ambulance. GRANVIA foundation secured for MOST quality courses for the clients and helped them gain their first practical experiences when using the acquired knowledge. During computer courses the clients underwent trainings, such as personal data protection, health and social insurance, fundraising, accounting. There was also the course of ceramic and art processing of objects and the course of maintenance and cleaning works. Part of the project was also the increase of the qualification of the organization workers. From long-term view, clients gained new experiences and knowledges, they can now use in scope of the related project.

Project Patron: Renata Chmarova

“Integration of people, who found themselves in difficult life situation, back into society is a contribution not only for them but also for the society itself. MOST with its program increases the ranks of quality and valued employees, who can contribute with their work to the everyday cycle of life.”

Warmth of home – this was an apt title for the simple and absolutely essential project of the Pahorok Association, which provides treatment for drug addicted young men.